EASTBOURNE MEADS u3a Registered Charity No. 1078626
Eastbourne Meads u3a formed in 1993, is part of the national University of the Third Age organisation. Our aim is to help all those who are no longer in full time employment and want to continue studying and maintain an active mind in the company of like-minded people. Many of our groups are academic in nature, but we also have some socially related groups and we offer a warm and friendly welcome to new members.
All the groups are listed on the Groups Programme Sheet found under the Members’ page on this website (commonly called the Yellow Sheet) and also on a separate page for public use but with limited details. Once you join, you will receive your Membership Card with the passwords to get access to the Members’ Pages.
Our membership year is from 1st September to 31st August. You can attend as many groups as you wish, provided you contact the relevant group leader who will tell you if there is a vacancy. An extra charge is where a venue has to be hired for the group and also a standing charge of £1 is made for the host who opens up his or her home and normally provides a cup of tea or coffee. This charge is irrespective of whether or not a member partakes of the refreshments. In exceptional circumstances, there might be an additional charge for the hire of books or special printing.
As a member, you will have access to our Newsletter, which is published , by email, from our Chairman, again within the Members’ pages. You will also be able to receive five issues of the National u3a News Magazine (‘The Third Age Matters’) sent to your home address. The details are on the Membership Application Form.
On joining Meads u3a you can also join groups organised by Eastbourne Central (general meetings are held at St. Saviour’s and St Peter’s Church, Spencer Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4PA) and Eastbourne & Wealden District u3a (general meetings are held at the Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road BN21 1UE) provided there are vacancies within their groups. However, if Meads u3a is your main u3a, you will be charged a reduced annual fee to join the other u3as. In addition, you can attend courses and lectures on interesting subjects organized at various centres in East Sussex, by the Universities of Sussex and Brighton. Details of these events and others can be found on the Events page on our website.
When attending your first group meeting it is required that you introduce yourself to the group leader/and or host in charge of the meeting, present your Membership Card to support your membership so that your name is entered into the group’s register. This is an obligation required under the fire prevention requirements and in case of any accidents while attending the venue. In the event of a member not being able to attend a meeting then the leader or the host of the group must be informed in good time so that the vacant space can be allotted to a waiting member. If a member fails to attend a group without this notification three times in a term, then the Group Leader can delete him/her from the group, or place him/her on to a waiting list. If you invite anyone as a guest to a u3a group meeting, then you are responsible for the costs of your visitor as well as his/her behaviour. This can only be done with the direct permission/authority of the Group Leader concerned. If you would like to run a group of your choice, which might be of interest to others, or host a group, then please contact a member of our Committee. Details are on the website on the Contacts page.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP: All members must abide by the Aims and Guiding Principles of the u3a movement. Always act in the interests of the u3a and never do anything to bring the u3a into disrepute. Abide by the terms and conditions of our Constitution. Of course, as one would expect, fellow members must be treated with respect and courtesy at all times and comply with and support the decisions of the elected Committee. The Membership Secretary should be advised of any changes in your personal details.
MONTHLY MEETINGS 2.30 pm at the Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road, BN21 1UE. Please register on arrival. A complete list of speakers and subjects is published in the quarterly Newsletter and on the Events page. We start our meetings on time so please be punctual!
Page text revised:al/jc May 2024