
Eastbourne Meads

Registered Charity No. 1078626

Our Monthly Meetings are held at Victoria Baptist Church Hall, Eldon Road, Eastbourne, EAST SUSSEX BN21 1UE usually on the last Friday of the month at 14:30

We are an organisation in which members run classes for the benefit of their fellow members. We support a wide range of interests and members pursue their learning not for qualifications but for fun and interest.

We are based for our monthly meetings in Victoria Baptist Church Hall, Eldon Road, Eastbourne but most of the group sessions are held in group members premises.

The primary sources through which we provide this learning are the groups. No learning qualifications are required, as members share their knowledge and experience and we participate in a wide range of educational, creative and leisure activities.

We have a number of groups, each covering a specific subject, and each run by a group leader. For details of the groups in Eastbourne Meads u3a (generally shortened to Meads u3a), click on the button marked 'Groups' on the menu.

Whether you are a member of Meads u3a, or just browsing, we hope that you will find something of interest on our website.


EASTBOURNE MEADS u3a was formed in 1993. We aim to help all those who are no longer in work and want to continue studying and maintaining an active mind in the company of like minded people.

Our branch of u3a is very active and offers a warm and friendly welcome to new members. Our activities are detailed under Groups and Monthly Meetings (click on links in the left hand column), The many activities we offer are detailed under GROUPS.

Annual subscription (due 1st September) is currently £12.00 per person or Associate membership if you are a member of another u3a £9

Click Applicationform 2024 to download forms

Please note that these downloads are in pdf format. You will need Adobe Reader to be installed on your computer to print them.
